Monday, November 19, 2012


To understand who to calculate cash flow,first you need to know what cash flow means.We can defini cash flow the movement of money into or out of business.Cash flow can be measured during aspecified period of time.Calculating cash flow measurment or others parametres we can know the value of company.
To all of us who want to know how to calculate cash flow.Cash flow can be calculate in 2 ways:

  • the indirect method
  • the direct method


This method is used by vast majority of companies. because is easy to do and show reported net income.To calculated indirect method of cash-flow ,first you need to start with the profits and then make ajustments for everything that are no profits,until you get changes in cas flow.
Operating cash flow is calculate very simple with simple equation :

EBIT- earnings before interest and taxes

Ex: The company Global  reported for 2011  EBIT (operating income ) 20 000 $, depreciation 1 600 $, and taxes 7500 $

Global operating cash flow for 2011 was:   20 000$+1600$ -7500$=14100$

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


A good search engine optimization campaign required a lot of knowledge and time work.On the internet you find many articles with SEO tools,some better and other less you decided wich are suitable for you.But this articles did forgot to explaine things that you must to avoid.

1  Websites with 0 pagerank

Those websites are important to be avoided.Especeally the pages who has home page page rank 0

2 Mirror websites

Webpages with mirror sites wich containing the same content with different URL

3 Webpages with question marks
 This kind of websites should be avoided,the search engines dosen t always indexed webpages

4 No foolow webpages

Websites wich no containe no follow atribute or no index meta tag should be avoided,never post your url in this king of websites

5 Links farms

Links farms are not good in seo ,try to avoid websites wich containe more than 100 outgoing links.Major searc engines penalize this sites

Monday, October 22, 2012


As a I say in many articles it is important to all online business to have a good marketing campaign,O good marketing campaign ensure a good optimization and get your website higher in the search engines.Once your website is higher in the search resultsy our business can go well for you.if you tink that the acquizition of backlinks is the key to ensure your online business ,may think again the buying of the backlinks not ensure every time a good optimiza tion.They are many factors that can increase or decrese your search engine rankings.

Is important to know that a quality backlins shoul be pointing in the same category or relevant content to your website.In the few moments i will present 4 typs to do for having a good indexing in the search results.

1 Quality Backlink

Backlinks with quality content are indecated for use,ensure that your backlink is indexed by Google and has good google page rankThe webpage where your link is located should also containe no more 30 outgoing links to other website.This webpages with more than 30 outgoing links to other website is not relevant for Google.If by chance you posted on this kind of websites you have to know that can affect your search results in the negative way.

2 Directory submission

Submiting your sites in the web directories you can get visitors and also a good indexing.When you decided to submit websites in the web directories look at the category where you want to post your website see how many website are in that category.Is important to you to choose that webdirectory that can ensure your sumission in the first or second page in a category that you want to submit.

3 Article submission

Writing articles with good and relevant quality can also ensure a good indexing of your website .So when you decided to write articles find article directories with high page rank

4 Blog posting comments

Google love blog comments ,find blogs that has a good page rank,and posts this way you can attract visitors to your sites by quality backlinks.An alternative to blog posts are forums.On forums you can promote your business

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


We live in uncertain time wich is charaterized by many risks.We define mangement risk as the effect of uncertainty on objectives followed by cordinated application to minimize the probability impact od unfortunate events or to maximize the realization opportunities.

In business environment risk can came from uncertainly financial markets,development,production,failure projects ,credit risk .Risk mangemnt strategies is associated with ISO standards .For any economic entity is important to have a good risk mangemnt strategies that can provide growth.Any economic organization can implemnt and develope risk mangemnt strategies .

Back to my article we can include the following risk strategies:

This are few mangement strategies that you can use.In the next articles I"ll speak about each one.

Friday, September 28, 2012


The need for  a cash it,s important in our days.They are a lot of financial institutions that provide a variety of loans .The  online loans  allow you to have funds transferred to your account on the very same day and free of charge.If you need cash but you can,t just wait until your next paycheck solution is a fast  online loans.

What you need to do is to find online application form that is avaible 24 hours to 24 ,and provide you cash.For people that are not familiar with this systems you.ll find quides that  help you.All websites that provide online loans have quides with instructions.

Online loans are short term loans ranging between 250$ up to 1000$  that,s depends largely on each application.

Now I will show you what are the steps to get a online loan.Firts you need to find online application which is favorable for you.On the internet are a lot of application like :
Important is to choose the systems with advantageous APR %(ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE) after you choose one of this cash systems you have to create an account completing a form that containe informations about yourself
  • name,surname
  • age
  • residence
  • job or proven source of income
  • email adress
  • statements with your bank account balance
After you do that you ,ll receive the answer if the loan is approved or not and the next period youl ,ll get the cash

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


All webmaters knows how important is to get their websites more hight in the Google search results.Ass we all know google has made some changes in their search results algorthm.This means that will be more dificult to websites to get their content into organic search results. This algorithm changes try to decrease the importance of using keywords.In this case the webmasters works can be more dificult that it seems.They have to find others ways to attract more visitors.Google wants to deliver the best users experience possible ans users wants to go on about their business as quickly as possible.Lossing traffic it's effect for content provider

Sunday, June 10, 2012


The expand of Facebook in few years is fantastic.I don't know if is somebody with don't hear about it and have an account.In the last period the number of the persons wich pass time in the Facebook are less they were a six monthss ago. One of the main reason is because the useres are becoming bored about the network,configuration,design. At the firs view it's no logical what i said,one of my arguments is that Facebook reach at 900 milion users,and I think it's a solid argument. Facebook are maked some changes in his desingn for one reason to attract user what it did.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


As I say in my articoles many persons would to start thier business.But unfortunately for them few does.In this period of time with the internet advent to start a business is musch easier than you thought. With this economic recesion many people lose their jobs.The solution for those who lose is to start own business. Today I'll present a businss that you can start from you home,here I refer to stock exchange trader.To do that is required solid knowledge about markets. For all that don't know what is stock exchange trader.A stock trader is a investor or firm who buys and sells stocks in the financial markets.Ass usualy stock traders trade bonds,shares,commodities and other financial assets. The opportunity of this business is great if you you know well the markets and companies that you work.If you are a good trader you can earn a lot of money but yyou must to be careful as you earn easy money you also can lose it. Trading stocks is a risky and complex occupation because the direction of the markets are generely unpredectable and lack transparency

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


We live in a period where needs for cost reduction is important for everybody.They are companies that are specialized in cost reduction of water,energy.With dramatic increase of costs of energy outsourcing companies provide their customers extremly attractive cost savings. Water is a precious resource that is often wasted by imefficient buildings systems.What important is to know that you want to outsourced y
our energy and water costs thats can be reduced up to 60 % Like most property owners you're constantly search new ways to improve your buildings performance.Performance improvments: -lower energy and operating costs -boost bottom line revenue -reduce your impact on the enviroment Benefit of outsourced: -Increase employee productivity and safety -enhance product quality -water and energy cost reduction -reduced maintenance costs -increase property asset value -reduce air poluation and minimized carbon footprint

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


The giatnt internet phone provider Skype launches a aplication that help users to interacte face to face .This new technology has depersonalized the way we comunicate with one another.

Facebook and Twitter. In two ads, Skype takes shots at the social networks for the role they play in removing the personal element from communication.

Skype’s apparent goal of getting people to have more face-to-face communication (using Skype’s service, naturally) is certainly laudable. The choice of target for these two ads, however, is a little peculiar. For one thing, Twitter is not a direct competitor for Skype; nor is it an indirect competitor, really. So it’s hard to see how taking shots at Twitter does Skype any good

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


All knows that Google is the major search engine in the world.All web searches are made it on the Google platform.A few time a go Google made some changes on their platform what is calling the "transparancy report" .This aplication shows the number of government inquiries for information about users .

This aplication require Google to take down the censor content ,as wella interactive traffic graphs that show informations about the traffic all round the world.

A lot of people acuse Google to use disrupting experience traffic.The alternative a this problem is to use another traffic tool .

If you decided to use another traffic tracking tool help you to track that interraptions .Each traffic graph help you to show history traffic of your organization no mater the contry you are.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


At this subject I"ll answer in the next moment.With all now the key of the success is your work.When you work it's important to put passion in what you do.If you do that the results of your labor will came soon.
All famous entrepreneur or business leaders are folowing theit business no mather where they are.Even their are at home or in vacation they will never forgot their business.
A research show that fifty percent of people sales check their emails,to stay focused on their business and to offer suport of their customers in the hope to not lose customers.
They ussualy use smartphones or tablets to acces their emails or software aplications.Today the modern technology help us to connected 24/7 from anywhere at anytimes.So it's important to combine utility with pleasure.

Monday, February 13, 2012


To ask at this question first you must to know well the economic sector where you want to perform.One of the basic rules of any kind of business is to know what you have to do.If you don't know this basic rule give up.

Once the decision was takent to start a small business find what market niches is good for you and provide you growing posibilities.A good entrepreneurs need more skills one of this is the capability to sell her own goods or services.
Come to our subject about choosing the right business ideas we can to conclude that first you need vision without a vision you'ren't able to create a good business ideas.All greates business todays cames to simple vision.

Jordana Jaffe, a business consultant and life coach at Quarter Life Clarity agrees that people are often so fixated on a nagging problem or annoyance that if you can fix it for them, your business will excite and empower them. “We’re always so consumed with what isn’t working in our lives,” she says. “When we’re introduced to the possibility of those things becoming easier for us as a result of this possible solution, life suddenly feels lighter and easier and more possible.”

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Starting a business is a dream for everyone but unfortunately few do it.When you decided to start a business you need vision,all big companies come to a simple ideea.You can not start a business whitout a business plan .Today all show you how business tools you have to know to write a business plan.Ass you suposse to know a business plan have to made before to start a business.

Elements of the business plan are charts,detail,presentantions,financial analysis these elements should not miss to your business plan.
Beaside these elements you need mangement skills that are very important for any kind entrepreneurs.If your business plan is well done you can get cash from anghel investors and venture capital companies.
Back to our subject a business plan should consist following components:
  • Business presentation
  • Market opportunity
  • Key business objectives
  • Market condition
  • Product differentiation
  • Market conditions
  • Competitors
  • Revenue models
  • Marketing strategies
  • Key people and headcount
Steps in writing a business plan:

1 Create a summary

How long is your business plan you have to create a summary o it because is more to understand your business basics and help you to know the importance elements of your business likes revenues,profit,value of your project,market opportunities,product or services features.

2 Business details

Here you nedd to write how your business work,and what are the vision that led to the creation.How to be your business in 2,3 years .How you realise your vision

3 Marketing

A good marketing strategy is very important for any business .In your business plan you have to point all marketing chanells that can be use to achive your main mangement planification.

4 Revenue

Without revenues your business failles starting for this sentence you must to ensure that your business can generate revenues

Monday, January 16, 2012


The internet plays a major role for growing of any kind of business.All knows that internet offer the easy way to communicate with wich persons you want.In winter season we choose to stay in our hauses because is very cold .In this period the number of the persons wich choose to use the internet grow.

A research made by iYogy said that in this period 35% of people surveyed spend more tehnology bills that utilities bills.So why important for you to have a realible Internet services in your home.

In USA any family has 2,3,4 members where add divices like computers,tablets,scaners,cameras,digital music.The demand of this devices increase in this period.We can say "We are in the thick of digital age"
Now all american hauseholds use this smart devices dedicate important haours on a day.The conclusion is very simple "The importance of the internet as necessary as a water and electrical utilities.